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The Village of Boyle Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw Comprehensive Review and Rewrite Project

The Village of Boyle Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw Comprehensive Review and Rewrite Project

The Village of Boyle is updating our Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). The Village has retained Dillon Consulting Limited to update the MDP and LUB in collaboration with Council, administration and the community. The Village held two rounds of engagement to hear feedback from the community. Round 1 Engagement took place in October 2022. Round 2 took place in February 2023. You can read the results of both engagements here in the link below. The comments and feedback shared were considered in the preparation of the draft plans.

What is a Municipal Development Plan?

The MDP is the Village’s overarching municipal planning document that applies to all of the lands within the Village’s borders. The MDP is a visioning document that will help the Village plan for the future. The Municipal Development Plan will consider the current and future needs of the community, including land use, transportation systems, economic development opportunities, and municipal services.

The new MDP will replace the Village of Boyle 1992 Municipal General Plan.

What is a Land Use Bylaw?

The Land Use Bylaw is the key planning tool used to achieve the community’s shared vision identified in the MDP. The LUB sets out guidelines for how land within the Village should be developed. The LUB also informs what Boyle will look like through regulations influencing neighbourhood and community design such as density, building setbacks, and landscaping.

The new LUB will replace the current 2002 Village of Boyle LUB.

Why are the Plans being updated?

A lot has changed since the current Municipal General Plan and Land Use Bylaw were adopted. The new MDP and LUB will help guide Boyle’s growth since the annexation of lands from Athabasca County in 2010 and bring the Village’s municipal policies in alignment with the requirements of the Modernized Municipal Government Act.

The MDP and Land Use Bylaw will be approved by Council after opportunities for the public and stakeholders to provide input for improvements and proposed changes.

What Changes are Being Made to the Plans?

  • Changes to meet the requirements of the Municipal Government Act (Provincial regulations)

  • Clarity in the Village’s approach to planning and development

  • Flexible policy to support and encourage new development in the Village

  • Identification of future development opportunities

  • Clear development application expectations

  • Improved document navigation

Where are we Now?

The draft MDP and LUB were granted 1st Reading on July 19th, 2023 by Village Council. The drafts are available by clicking the links below.

Future Engagement Opportunities

You are welcome to attend the Public Hearing scheduled for the MDP and LUB, happening on August 16th, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Village Council Chambers.


If you have any questions about the project, please contact Warren Griffin, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) with the Village of Boyle for more information

            Phone: (780) 689-3643



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